The Pyramid of Mastery

The Pyramid of Mastery

The pyramid of mastery is a concept designed by Tony Robbins, a personal hero of mine. He is an American author, coach, speaker, and philanthropist with a net worth of over 600 million US dollars. He has helped millions of people around the world, and his books and video’s keep inspiring me on a daily basis. In one of his video’s he tells us that is focused on the art of fulfillment. He describes that you can be rich and successful but if your main emotions are: pissed off and frustrated that your life will be pissed off and frustrated. There is, however, a way that humans can achieve complete and absolute fulfillment. And one way to achieve this is through mastering the pyramid of mastery.

Physical Body

Everything starts with the physical body. Without the physical body, you will get nowhere. “you don’t want to be the richest man in the graveyard”, he says. There are a lot of people in the world today that are not fit and healthy. However, there are proven ways that a person can become fit and healthy.
Exercise is one of the pillars to a healthy lifestyle. Physical activities are activities that get the body moving. I you want to increase your health, you need to do about 150 minutes of activities per week. These activities include moderate exercise, aerobic exercises and muscle strengthening exercises. Moderate exercises are exercises that raise the heartbeat like: doing a brisk walk. Aerobic exercises include swimming, running, or biking. And strength training can be done through calisthenics or weight lifting.
Food is another pillar of health. The gut microbiome is one of the most important, parts of our bodies. It is a combination of bacteria, fungi and viruses in side of our intestines. They can break down foods that that our bodies cant digest, they can form nutrients, regulate the immune system and protect against harmful germs. This gut microbiome can be influence by a variety of factors. The most important of which is the types of food that we eat. If we eat a lot of fast-food, the fast food loving bacteria will multiply and send signals to the brain, which make you want to continue eating fast foods. This positive reinforcement is liked to obesity and several other serious conditions. If we decide to eat healthy, however, our healthy food loving bacteria will send messages of positive reinforcement to the brain to keep eating healthy foods and stay healthy overall.
Exercise and food are both extremely important pillars of health but they are both completely useless if we do net get the appropriate amount of sleep during the nights. Sleep has several important functions for both the brain and the body. We need an average of 7-9 hours of sleep to stay healthy and fit. However, not only the duration but also the quality of the sleep is important. One of the main distorting factors of good, quality sleep is the blue light emitted by our tv’s, laptops and mobile phones. Therefore, it is best to put it away at least one hour before going to bed.

Emotion and meaning

The brain is maybe the most powerful and complicated organ of the human body. It consists of about 86 billion neurons that work together through electrical and chemical signals to create thoughts. We are hardwired to look for threads and rewards. If one of them is detected. The brain gives a signal to the limbic system, consisting of the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the limbic cortex. They in turn respond by giving of chemical signals, which are spread through the body, triggering either a stress response or a pleasure response. When we see something scary, like a snake, the brain will warn our bodies by giving off signals, not to come any closer. However, when we see something that we like, like ice cream. Our minds will give off signals that makes us put the ice cream in our mouths as quickly as possible. Although ice cream is delicious, it is also full of bad fats and sugars that will make us fat and can, over time, make us unhealthy. It is therefore, important that we train our brain to think twice before engaging with something. Learning how to deal with our emotions, can mean the difference between living a rich, successful and fulfilled life, or a bad one full of negative emotions.


Humans are social creatures. Reciprocity likely evolved as a biological signal that motivates animals to exchange things for their mutual benefit and can be found throughout the whole animal kingdom. As human brains grew, we became better at reading emotions on the faces of other humans. People that seemed nicer had a bigger evolutionary advantage over the ones that seemed mean. Our big human brains, communication and reciprocity lead to the human species taking over the world. Therefore, it is key to master relationships. There are several ways to do this. I would advice you to read the book: How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. Another tip would be to practice gratitude. Writing down what you are grateful for three to five times a week has proved to increase mental state and therefore, our abilities to be more social.


We live in an incredible world. The universe is so massively big that is hard to wrap your had around the sheer size. There is too much to explore. The biggest problem that we face, however, is not the size of the world or the universe but it’s the time that we have on this earth. If you are lucky enough to become 100 years of age, you will have 5200 weeks at your disposal. If you’re 25 now, You will have 3900 weeks left. If you die at the age of 75, you will only have 2600 weeks left. One would say that that might be a lot of time, but at the same time it is not. It is, therefore, important that we decide to spend our limited time in a way that we feel is best for us. We can do this through working deeply, embracing boredom, quitting social media, planning every minute of the day and quantifying the deepness of our work. However, the most important moment is right now.
“the past is history, the future is a mystery. But right now is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.” – Master Oogway. Kunfu Panda

Career & Mission

In the south of Japan, there is an island called: Okinawa. The island has one of the highes percentages of centenarian the world. You can call yourself a centenarian if you reach an age of 100 years old. So what makes these Okinawans grow so old? It has something to do with their diet, plenty of exercise and a rich social life, but most importantly: they all have an Ikigai. An Ikigai can be compared to a purpose in life; a goal, or something to work for. It is a combination of the things that you love, the things that you are good at, the things that the world needs and the things that you can get paid for. Steven Covey’s second habit from the book: the seven habits of highly effective people, states that we must begin with the end in mind. Since there is so much to explore and relatively little time, we must prioritize, which happens to be Covey’s third habit. Everybody must choose this mission; this purpose or this goal for him or herself.


Money can be a big problem for many people. They have too much month left at the end of the money. The way people handle money is often taught by the people who were involved with the person when he or she was young. There is, however a science to making money. If you follow certain rules and principles, you will become wealthy. A Wharton study shows that people are actually happier when they make more money. It is freeing to know that you can do, give and share as much as you want without the fear of running out of money. I therefore advice anyone to become wealthier.
If you want to become wealthier, you’ll have to manage your money. Sometimes people are worried that they do not have any money to manage. They do, however, often get some form of income. To these people I would say: as soon as that money comes in, manage it. I truly believe in the following rule: what you focus on expands. By focusing on the money that you receive and managing that money appropriately, one can increase their net worth and begin walking the path to financial freedom. How to divide this income you ask? I recommend setting aside 50% for necessary expenses. This include rent, food, and other things that are necessary for survival. Besides your necessities account, I recommend opening up 5 more accounts: 10% saving, 10% spending, 10% education, 10% giving and 10% into investments.
Of course it is always important to have some money at hand in case times get tough. Therefore you should put aside 10% of your income into savings. At first, you should focus on building an emergency fund but after that you could set aside money for spending in the future. You could for instance buy a car, a house or maybe go on that trip to the Bahamas like you’ve always wanted.  
In order to achieve the rich lifestyle of your desire, you’ll need to spend money. Therefore, 10% of your income should be spend immediately. You could go to a fancy restaurant for a nice diner or you could go for a day at the spa.
Leaders are readers, and they are also often the once who get paid the best salaries. Therefore, it is important to put 10% of your income aside for learning purposes. Maybe you will require a new skill at your accountancy class that you can also use in your business.
We all know that it feels amazing to receive a gift from someone else. However, we also know that it feels great to give. We all have people around us who we love. Why not spoil them a little bit? If you do not have people around you who you love (something which I find hard to believe) then why not try thing to a good cause. The moment you do, you will feel a burst of sensation going through your body and it will make you want to give even more on a later occasion.
There are many ways to invest your money. You could invest in a coffee machine instead of going to the Starbucks every day. You could invest in a business, which is a good idea for anyone who would like to become financially independent. And you can invest in the stock market. If you put 10% of your income into the stock market every month you can gain a percentage of your money over time. If you wait long enough, this tiny percentage can grow into a very large one, which you could benefit from later in life. Albert Einstein even called compound interest the eighth wonder of the world.

Contribution and spirituality

I have not been raised as a religious person. I do, however have a lot of faith. Faith in myself, and faith in the people around me to do good deeds. Humans have some basic needs, which essentially lead to loving, giving and growing. When we embrace ourselves and the world around us, we can learn to accept things for what they are and improve them through spiritual contribution. This part comes at the top of the pyramid of mastery and reflects all levels of the pyramid bellow.
With this, I would like to also end my article for this week, and I hope to talk to you again soon.

Also see:

Carnegie, D. (2010). How to Win Friends and Influence People. Simon & Schuster.
Covey, S. R. (2003). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Personal Workbook (1st ed.). Fireside Books.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. How much physical activity do adults need?. (no date). URL:
Celebrity Net Worth. Tony Robbins Net Worth. (no date). URL:
CNBC. People actually are happier when they make more money: Wharton study. Cory Stieg.  Published Fri, Jan 22 202112:53 PM EST Updated Fri, Jan 22 202112:54 PM EST. URL:
Healthline. What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?. Last medically reviewed on July 23, 2018. URL:
Kiyosaki, R. (2017). Rich dad, Poor dad. Plata Publishing.
Newport, C. (2016). Deep Work. little, brown book group.
Nature. Are There Really as Many Neurons in the Human Brain as Stars in the Milky Way?. May 20, 2013 | By:  Bradley Voytek. URL:
Robbins, T. (2014). Money Master the Game. Simon & Schuster.
Tony Robbins. URL:
Wikipedia. Tony Robbins. This page was last edited on 26 November 2021. URL:
YouTube. Team Fearless. After This You’ll Change How You Do Everything! – Tony Robbins. 28 jan. 2019. URL:
YouTube. Kurzgesagt – In a Nuthshell. How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body – The Microbiome. 5 okt. 2017. URL:
YouTube. TED-Ed. How the food you eat affects your gut – Shilpa Ravella. 23 mrt. 2017. URL:
YouTube. TED. Sleep is your superpower | Matt Walker. 3 jun. 2019. URL:
YouTube. Veritasium, The Science of Thinking. 2 mrt. 2017. URL:
YouTube. Sentis. Emotions and the Brain. 27 nov. 2012. URL:
YouTube. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. Een tegengif tegen ontevredenheid. (no date.). URL:
YouTube. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell. Optimistisch Nihilisme. (no date). URL:
YouTube. Einzelgänger. IKIGAI | A Japanese Philosophy for Finding Purpose. (no date.). URL:
YouTube. Euronews. How do Okinawans live longer than anyone else?. (no date). URL:
YouTube. After Skool. How To REPROGRAM Your Mind – Dr. Bruce Lipton. (no date). URL:

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