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Motivation in the classroom

Students don’t always like school. With this post, you can learn which leavers you can use to activate your students


How to teach the metric system

Calculus can be hard to understand but with this method it becomes easy


The pyramid of mastery

There are a variety of areas in life that are to be mastered before one can achieve spiritual growth

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Meer autonomie voor leerlingen – een gedachte experiment


Leerlingen hebben te weinig autonomie in hun vakkenkeuze, wat hun motivatie en prestaties negatief beïnvloedt. Een systeem waarin leerlingen vakken op verschillende niveaus kunnen volgen en hun sterke punten kunnen ontwikkelen, zou een positiever onderwijsbenadering bieden. Onderwijs heeft twee functies: de ontwikkeling van de leerling en het voldoen aan de behoeften van de maatschappij. Hoewel de maatschappij first approach leerlingen probeert te vormen naar maatschappelijke behoeften, kan dit demotiverend werken. Een leerling first approach, waarbij persoonlijke ontwikkeling centraal staat en leerlingen vakken op verschillende niveaus volgen, zou effectiever zijn. Dit systeem kan doorgetrokken worden naar basisonderwijs en universiteit, met meer keuzevrijheid en projectgerichte vergoedingen. Concluderend, onderwijs moet flexibel blijven en meer keuzevrijheid bieden om leerlingen gemotiveerd en betrokken te houden.

How do the life satisfaction, social- and economic well-being of a countries people affect the environment


The life satisfaction, social well-being, and economic well-being of a country’s people significantly impact the environment. High economic well-being can lead to increased, often unsustainable, consumption, harming natural resources. Technology and innovation can either degrade or protect the environment, depending on their use. Social well-being and education enhance environmental awareness, promoting sustainable behaviors and policies. Population growth, driven by economic well-being and healthcare, can strain resources. Urbanization, if unmanaged, can damage ecosystems, while corporate practices influence environmental outcomes. Societies with strong social cohesion support environmental initiatives, and governments in contented societies are likelier to enforce eco-friendly regulations. Balancing human well-being and ecological preservation is crucial.

How to teach the metric system


In the subjects mathematics, physics and chemistry it is noticeable that students have great difficulty with the metric system. An analysis of test results, observations and interviews shows that the metric system is an arithmetic/mathematical component that many students experience as very difficult. In an attempt to understand this problem, research was conducted in the form of a Lesson Study, this is a method in which teachers work in teams to go through a cycle to make the learning of students transparent. The starting point for this Lesson Study was the vision that a good understanding of the metric system is closely related to a good understanding of the decimal system. A lesson was therefore designed in which the link between these two concepts is central. This lesson was conducted at two secondary schools in Friesland in the first two years with mavo, havo and vwo level. The following design features were used in this lesson: self-discovery, guiding questions, Van Groenestijn action model, practice, differentiation and collaborative learning. By observing, interviewing, analyzing and exchanging thoughts of three types of students (strong, average, weak) an answer has been given to the question: ‘how do students learn when the connection is made between the number system and the metric system’. The chosen analysis shows that there is a large group of students who make the connection after our intervention. The different design characteristics contribute to this to a greater or lesser extent. Going through the action model of Van Groenestijn seems to contribute most to making the connection between the decimal system and the metric system.
Our research has been applied to one research lesson. In an in-depth follow-up study, a larger series of lessons over a longer period can be examined. In this case, it can be chosen to apply this methodology at different schools of different levels and across school years and subjects.

Motivation in the classroom


A powerful learning environment fosters student motivation, divided into controlled and autonomous types. Controlled motivation stems from external regulation and internal obligation, while autonomous motivation is driven by personal interest and intrinsic regulation. Effective teaching must meet students’ basic needs: relationship, competence, and autonomy. Schools should provide a safe environment, and teachers must structure lessons and build positive relationships. Learning goals and the zone of proximal development are essential for motivation, as is providing meaningful context and challenges. Feedback, both from teachers and peers, enhances motivation, and high teacher expectations can positively influence student outcomes. Autonomy and differentiation are crucial, especially during adolescence, to cater to individual learning paces and preferences.

The Pyramid of Mastery


Tony Robbins’ Pyramid of Mastery is a framework for achieving fulfillment through mastering various aspects of life. The foundation is the physical body, emphasizing exercise, diet, and sleep for health. Emotional mastery involves managing reactions and cultivating positive emotions. Strong relationships are crucial for social well-being, while effective time management ensures meaningful use of one’s limited lifespan. Career and mission provide purpose, and financial literacy ensures stability and freedom. Finally, contribution and spirituality involve giving back and embracing faith in oneself and others. Robbins’ approach integrates these elements to foster a rich, successful, and fulfilling life.

Chemistry teacher in training


Being a chemistry teacher in training in the Netherlands involves navigating the profession’s complexity, emotional demands, and significant work pressure, leading to a teacher shortage. Despite this, many students aspire to become teachers to improve education. The training covers natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics), didactics, pedagogics, and professional development. In the final year, trainees must complete an internship, research a didactic topic, and present a professionalization plan. These elements ensure readiness for a teaching career. The author is interning at a middle school, researching student motivation, and sharing experiences on their blog to contribute to educational improvement.